Kairos Innovative Scholars Pathway (KISP)
Admissions Information
KISP 2024-25 School Year
Open Enrollment Period
January 1, 2024 - February 29, 2024
APPLICATION PERIOD for current 2023-24 school year - On-going
Applications for the KISP program are on-going. Admittance is based on openings.
Click on the link below to be redirected to our SchoolMint application site. You will be able to apply to one or both academies
LOTTERY* - Should the number of student Intent to Enroll forms, submitted by the stated deadline, exceed the number of spaces available in any given grade, a random public lottery will be held to determine admission, per the requirements of Ed Code 47605(d)(2)(B).
The following guidelines apply to the application process (please see "Admission Preferences" below for complete details and policy):
By law, all Kairos Public Schools applicants are accepted by a public random drawing.
A lottery drawing will be held in the spring (date TBD) via Zoom.
Applicants not drawn for enrollment in the lottery will be given an order number for the "wait list."
All families will be notified by email and/or text of their status in the lottery drawing.
It is the responsibility of the guardian/parent to notify Kairos/KISP of preferences that apply to the applicant, and to provide verification of that preference.
Should your child not be accepted and would like to reapply for the following school year, you will need to submit another application form during open enrollment the following year.
*Lottery is for Open Enrollment Applicants only. Open Enrollment accepted Jan. 1, 2024-Feb. 29, 2024 at 4:00pm
Admission Preferences*
The public random drawings shall be conducted in stages in accordance with the following preferences in the priority order listed below. These preferences are authorized in accordance with applicable law.
If the Charter School receives a number of applications that exceed the number of available seats at any given grade level, a random public lottery will be hosted and preference for the available spaces and will be given to students consistent with Education Code section 47605(d)(2)(B) in this order:
1. Siblings of currently enrolled KISP scholars
2. Children or grandchildren of Kairos Employees and/or current Board of Directors, Foundation Board Members, and elected Advisors to the Board
3. Scholars enrolled in other Kairos programs by October 1st of the current school year. (KPS BP No. 6004)
4. Sibling(s) of scholars enrolled in other Kairos programs, as long as the sibling was enrolled in the other Kairos program by October 1st of the current school year. (KPS BP No. 6004)
5. Scholars who qualify as Socio-Economically Disadvantaged from anywhere in Solano County
6. Scholars whose residence is within one mile of the KPS program they are applying for
7. Scholars on the waitlist from the previous year (who submitted an application during the open application period for current year enrollment)
8. Scholars residing within Vacaville Unified School District boundaries
9. All other scholars
*Admission Preferences are for Open Enrollment Applicants only. Any applications dated after 4:00pm on February 29th, 2024 will be included in a monthly lottery to determine waitlist order.
Kairos Public Schools welcomes all students and families to join our educational community regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, academic performance, special education status or English learner status. We are excited that you are interested in joining our community.